FAQs + General Information


  • Closer to the event we will circulate updated information regarding measures we are implementing to provide a safe environment for all attendees.
  • For details on measures put in place at the venue please click here.


  • Registration can be completed through either the online booking process (requires payment by credit card) or using the fax/mail back form.
  • Online Registrations – click here to access the registration forms. The process takes approximately 5 minutes. We accept Visa, MasterCard and AMEX.
    Fax/Mail Back Registrations – click here to access the registration forms. If registering a group, please ensure that each delegate completes a registration form individually.


Discounted and special registration rates are available for KAB NSW Members and attendees from regional councils/community groups – please contact our office on info@kabnsw.org.au to receive the promotional code to access these rates.


Full Registration includes:

  • Attendance at all sessions
  • Morning/afternoon tea and lunch each day of the event
  • 1 x Networking Event ticket (5:00pm – 7:00pm, Tue 5 Apr)
  • Event program
  • Access to conference papers

Conference registrations cannot be shared. Strictly one delegate per registration only.


  • Registration will not be confirmed until payment is received in full.
  • All fees are in Australian Dollars $AUD and are inclusive of 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST)


The dress standard for the event is business/smart casual.


  • Cancellation of your registration must be advised in writing to events@kabnsw.org.au.
  • Cancellations received on or before 28 February 2022 will receive a full refund less a $165 administration fee, cancellations received after this date will not receive a refund, however, we will accept delegate name changes at any time leading up to the event (differences in registration fees may be applicable).


To minimise food waste generated at the event, we request that you confirm your attendance at the Networking Event when you register. If you wish to update your attendance, please email events@kabnsw.org.au.


Aerial UTS Function Centre provides complimentary WiFi access to congress attendees. Access details will be provided at the Congress.


Every effort has been made to present all the information contained in this website as accurately as possible. The organisers reserve the right to change, without notice, any or all of these details.


In registering for this event, relevant details may be incorporated into a delegate list for the benefit of all delegates (name, organisation and title) and may be made available to parties directly related to the event including KAB NSW and sponsors (subject to conditions). If you do not wish to be included in the delegate list please email events@kabnsw.org.au.


By registering for the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW (KAB NSW) Litter Congress you consent and grant permission to KAB NSW, its agents and others working under its authority, to take and to have full and free use of video/photographs containing your image/likeness. These images and recordings may be used for promotional, news, online/multimedia, research and/or educational purposes by and for KAB NSW. Copies of the event photographs will be made available to the attendees after the event.


If you have any questions about the event, registration or the Litter Congress please contact:

Keep Australia Beautiful NSW
Level 1, 268 King Street
T: 02 8594 4000
E: events@kabnsw.org.au

Hosted by

Congress Partner