Call for Proposals

The organising committee is calling for presentations addressing the key topics outlined below. Other topics may be considered at the committee’s discretion.

  • Litter Research
  • Product stewardship
  • Policy trends
  • Local government
  • Public place littering challenges
  • Industry best practice
  • Psychology of littering
  • Community or council case studies
  • Behaviour change
  • Education for litter reduction
  • Infrastructure to reduce litter
  • Collaboration and partnership
  • Particular problem wastes e.g. cigarette butts, coffee cups, straws
  • Marine litter


Proposals may take the form of:

  • Facilitated Discussions
  • Roundtables
  • Campfire Sessions
  • Collaborative Workshops
  • Platform Presentations

Other session formats are also welcome. Please provide a description of how it will be organised and the desired outcome.





All Abstracts must be submitted online. If you are unable to submit using the online form, please contact the Congress Secretariat for further information (phone Emma McVie on 0404 517 058 or email Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged by email within 2 working days.

The following information will be required for your submission:

  • Presenter and Co-Presenter contact details, title and organisation
  • Presenter and Co-Presenter Biographies (we recommend no more than 80 words per biography)
  • Presenter and Co-Presenter Photograph (optional)
  • Presentation Title
  • 50-word Presentation Synopsis
  • Abstract (Up to 400 words of text)


Due to the large number of submissions received each year, a review committee will carefully consider submissions of proposals. Where possible the committee will place your proposal into a session, however it may not be possible to accommodate every submission. The review committee also reserves the right to suggest amendments to improve the suitability of proposals prior to acceptance.



All accepted proposals will be published in the Litter Congress 2022 Green Paper.



All submitting authors will be asked to confirm the following statements:

  1. I confirm that each co-author, if any, has been informed of this submission and has agreed to all the information provided by me.
  2. I consent to publication of all or part of the abstract in materials relating to the Congress, including but not limited to the program, advertising, social media and email promotions.
  3. I confirm that this abstract is original work and as the principal author, I am responsible for the accuracy of the proposal.
  4. I understand that the invitation to submit an proposal does not constitute an offer by Keep Australia Beautiful NSW or sponsors of the Congress to pay travel, accommodation or registration costs associated with the event.
  5.  I understand that no fee will be paid for a presentation. If my proposal is accepted, I agree to register for the Congress no later than 28 February 2022 and will pay a discounted registration fee in recognition of my contribution. I understand that failure to register by   the due date may result in my presentation being withdrawn from the program.

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